Real Estate

Are You Looking for Land for Sale in Chch?

Many couples daydream of the day when they can own a home and watch their family grow. But when the time to purchase a property finally comes, they realise how limited their possibilities can be. This is particularly true for those who wish to remain in Christchurch. It can take months to find a house that meets all your requirements and then you are likely to enter a bidding war with other potential buyers. The entire process can be quite disheartening but there is another option that is more likely to leave you satisfied.

Build Your Own Home

If you are having problems finding a house that has the layout and space you envisioned, the answer is simple: design it. There are great home builders that will help you along the way. You can finally have the big kitchen you have always wanted or the huge garden where your children can play. Your home builder can incorporate architectural elements that will make the building unique and truly yours.

Choosing the Location

The search for land for sale in Chch can be as exhausting as buying a home there. You will come across small plots of land that sell at very high prices. As a result, you would end up with a reduced budget for the actual construction as well as with less space than you expected. Luckily, there are other alternatives only a short drive away.

North of Christchurch, you will find Mandeville. A semi-rural town that is quickly becoming a coveted location. You will immediately notice how much more you can get for your money when compared to the land for sale in Chch. The area is surrounded by farmland and lifestyle blocks. You will be able to enjoy views of the Southern Alps and foothills and your children will have the chance to grow up in a close-knit community. There are plenty of activities for all family members and best of all, you will finally have somewhere to call home.

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