duplex builders in Sydney

3 Facts About Duplexes

Duplexes are becoming increasingly popular with people all around the world. The design offers many advantages and opportunities to both duplex owners and tenants. As professional duplex builders in Sydney, we are well versed in all of the facts and misconceptions surrounding these types of builds. In this article, we’ll give you three interesting facts about duplexes!

Duplexes Are Not Always Built Side By Side

Most people imagine duplexes as two identical units side by side with doors right next to each other on ground level. This style of duplex is perhaps the most common and considered a ‘classic’ duplex design. But this is not always the case. As professional duplex builders in Sydney, we have experience in the many different forms that duplexes can take. The only real defining character of duplexes is that they consist of two units that share at least one wall or ceiling. Units can be stacked on top of each other or side-by-side but have entrances on opposite ends of the building.

Living In A Duplex Is A Responsibility

Living in a duplex is very much like living in a completely detached home. Unlike regular apartment living, you may be responsible for landscaping, gardening, taking out the trash, etc., even if you are just a tenant. But with this responsibility comes many advantages such as more space and more privacy.

duplex builders in Sydney

Duplexes Are High In Demand!

If you’re looking at investing in property, duplexes may be the way to go. Duplexes are highly sought after as they offer more privacy than usual apartment blocks and also sometimes have the possibility of an attached garden and other features that you couldn’t find in your average flat. If you invest in a duplex, you and your family could live in one unit and rent out the other unit. It is also possible to convert the second duplex into an Airbnb.

Are you looking for trusted duplex builders in Sydney? At Willoughby Homes, we specialise in creating stunning custom and pre-designed duplexes. Get in touch with us today to find out more about our outstanding and functional duplex designs!

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Flynn Magnus