
Improving Road Dust Suppression Programs with Mobile Dust Monitoring

Dust control is a serious issue for many industries. A mining or construction company will understand their responsibilities to reduce their dust emissions in order to protect the health of its workers, the well being of the nearby residents, and safety of the local wildlife. Dust suppression can be an arduous task, but the use of Detectives can help monitor the current dust suppression program and ensure that it is working in the most efficient way.

The introduction of Road Dust Suppression devices is simple and non-invasive. The devices, called Detectives, are installed in areas where dust emissions may be an issue and it will transmit data over the 3G network. Operators can monitor the Dust Control Efficiency (DCE) of the area on a secure website. The DCE offers quantifiable data that can show the operator information regarding the site’s compliance with regulations regarding air quality. Additionally, this system can be combined with the Road Condition Monitoring system, further helping reduce the likelihood of emergency road maintenance and dust emissions.

The device works by monitoring the dust in the environment, primarily dust flicked into the air by the action of moving vehicles driving on dust-laden roads. The Road Dust Suppression system detects solely PM10 dust concentration and it is automatically analysed and reported to the system. It shows high dust areas on a map with red marks, while little to no dust is marked in green. This will enable you to reduce maintenance costs as there will be no need for overwatering. You will only need to perform maintenance work to prevent dust when necessary. Higher quality roads reduce the cost of hauling material and reduces the wear and tear on the vehicles used. If there are questions regarding your compliance with regulations on dust control, you have evidence to back up your readings. Overall, having a complete system onsite can reduce your maintenance and operating costs.

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